Prerequisite for CBII
This class provides students with a comprehensive overview of the collective bargaining process. It proceeds by going step by step through the negotiations process. The course will help all participants, those with and those without actual bargaining experience, to develop a systematic approach to prepare for bargaining. Those with some actual bargaining experience will be able to critically think about and improve what they have done in past negotiations and to improve how they negotiate in the future. The model developed applies to all workers under all labor laws (private, public, federal, etc.)
Students will analyze and discuss selected tactical and strategic problems such as when an employer does not want to reach an agreement and techniques to combat this you can use at the table and away from the table.
Other classes provide in-depth analysis of several topics covered in this overview class including negotiations at the table (Collective Bargaining II), analysis of economic date (Contract Costing), preparing and presenting proposals (Contract Language/Contract Drafting), and negotiating away from the table (Internal Organizing).
Students will learn where to find several free manuals to download that they can use between classes. Students must (not should, not may) bring at least one applicable and current collective bargaining agreement that they can word search on a device of their choosing.